Dr. Peter Attia: Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones for Vitality & Longevity
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My guest this episode is Dr. Peter Attia, M.D., who trained at Stanford University School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Attia is host of The Drive podcast and is a world expert on behavioral approaches, nutritional interventions, supplementation and pharmacological techniques to improve lifespan, healthspan and athletic performance. We discuss how best to evaluate your health status using routine blood work, body scans and regular tests of physical strength and endurance. Dr. Attia explains what he uses with his patients to “back-cast” their health goals as a way to design their exercise and nutritional programs. We also discuss hormone modulation and replacement therapy for both men and women. We explain how cholesterol and related factors contribute to cardiovascular disease risk and how to monitor and mitigate that risk. Dr. Attia details various supplementation, nutrition, exercise and prescription approaches useful to people in every decade of life to improve vitality, reduce their risk of disease and increase the number of years sustaining peak cognitive and physical health.

About this Guest
Dr. Peter Attia
Peter Attia, M.D., completed his medical and advanced training at Stanford University School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Attia is host of the health and medicine podcast, The Drive, and the author of the book, “Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity."
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